Who We Are
We are an independent Baptist fellowship... meaning, we function under the leadership of the Holy Spirit with the Word of God as our guide for all we do.
Our music: We use a blend of today's praise and worship songs with a southern Gospel style and traditional hymns of the faith to provide a heart-felt atmosphere of worship.
Our pastor is old-school.... he uses the King James Version for preaching and teaching the scriptures.
We may not be for everybody, but we're here for somebody! Perhaps YOU will join us in our pursuit to know Him (our Lord Jesus Christ), and to make Him known to the world!
Our music: We use a blend of today's praise and worship songs with a southern Gospel style and traditional hymns of the faith to provide a heart-felt atmosphere of worship.
Our pastor is old-school.... he uses the King James Version for preaching and teaching the scriptures.
We may not be for everybody, but we're here for somebody! Perhaps YOU will join us in our pursuit to know Him (our Lord Jesus Christ), and to make Him known to the world!